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Green spending is sustainable


Target’s stores offer their fair of environmentally friendly products, and that’s a good thing from sales standpoint, even in a down economy, if recent news from several environmental groups can be believed.

According to a study commissioned by Green Seal and EnviroMedia Social Marketing that involved 1,000 people, four out of five people are still buying green products and services today, even though they sometimes cost more. Roughly half of those surveyed said they are buying just as many green products now as before the economic downturn, while 19% say they are buying more green products. Fourteen percent say they are buying fewer environmentally green products.

As is the case with findings of earlier studies on the subject, consumers tend to be skeptical about green claims as increasing number of manufacturers tout the sustainability attributes of their products. About one in three consumers said they don't know how to tell if green product claims are true while 24% of consumers attempt to verifying claims by reading the packaging. Another 17% turn to research (going online, reading studies) to ensure they're getting a green product.

“This research suggests that consumers are buying green products second only to participating in recycling," said Arthur Weissman, Ph.D., Green Seal's president and CEO. "This increased consumer demand sends a signal to manufacturers to produce products that are truly green.”

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