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Gap to expand life skills training for female garment workers


Gap plans to expand the training program it offers to its women garment workers oversees, aiming to educate at least 1 million women by 2020.

The program, called P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement & Career Enhancement), launched in 2007 and gives women garment workers access to a curriculum up to 80 hours long in up to nine areas, from communications skills, financial literacy, stress management, problem-solving and decision-making.

“From Phnom Penh to Pittsburgh, women share in common an ambition to advance. What some lack are opportunities, particularly access to education,” said Peck. “We are committed to advancing the lives of one million women by expanding our P.A.C.E. program, and we hope others will join us. We know that with the right opportunities, women become powerful agents of change in their families and in their communities.”

To date, P.A.C.E. has reached more than 30,000 women in 10 ountries, according to the company. Gap Inc. initially offered the program in factories manufacturing its products. In 2012 the company expanded the program into community settings.

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