Fred’s Super Dollar sales up in January
Memphis, Tenn. -- Fred's Super Dollar reported $138.8 million in sales, up 3%, for the four-week fiscal month of January ended Jan. 31, 2015. Comparable store sales for the month increased 4.3% versus a decrease of 1.8% for the same period last year.
"As we ended fiscal 2014, we were pleased that comparable store sales reached the high end of our January plan and that customer traffic turned positive," said Jerry Shore, Fred's CEO. "Favorable weather conditions during the month helped as we experienced a well-balanced sales mix throughout our general merchandise departments, led by health and beauty aids, hardware, toys, housewares, domestics, infants, and hosiery. The key drivers for success in 2015 will be a greater emphasis on our pharmacy department and specialty pharmacy division expansion, along with upgrading to the need-it-now convenience model."
Total sales reflect the closing of 47 stores, or 7% of total stores, during the fourth quarter, in line with the company's reconfiguration plan.
Total sales for fourth quarter 2014 increased 2% to $503.6 million versus $495.0 million in the year-earlier quarter. Comparable store sales for the fourth quarter were flat, compared with an increase of 0.1% in the fourth quarter last year.
Fred's total sales for fiscal 2014 increased 2% to $2 billion. On a comparable store basis, fiscal 2014 decreased 0.6% versus an increase of 0.6% for the year-earlier period.