Estee Lauder CEO named to Francesca's board
HOUSTON, — Apparel and accessories retailer Francesca's Holdings has namedRichardKunes as an independent director to its board of directors, effectiveFeb. 25, 2013.
Since August 2012, Kunes hasserved as EVP and senior advisor to the CEO at TheEstee Lauder Companies, Inc. Prior to that, he served for 12 years asEVP and CFO. Before beingappointed CFO, Kunes served in several financial managementpositions at Estee Lauder including corporate controller.
Before joining Estee Lauder in 1986, Kunes spent 11 years with theColgate-Palmolive Company in a variety of financial managementpositions. Kunes holds an MBA in International Finance from PaceUniversity.
Greg Brenneman, chairman of the board, said, "We are very excited towelcome Rick to our Board. As a highly accomplished finance executive,Rick brings a wealth of financial, strategic and operational leadershipexperience, enhancing the board's ability to continue to successfullyguide francesca's industry-leading business growth."