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ECRM: Retail circular advertising trends, July 2013


ECRM compared retail circular advertising in July 2012 versus July 2013 and noted trends occurring across top retail chains. Walmart continues to see large increase in page count year-over-year, alongside Fred Meyer and Lowe’s this month. In contrast to Lowe’s, Home Depot saw a 44% drop in page count versus last year.

Sustaining last month’s trend, Lowe’s continues to experience large year-over-year increases in ad blocks per circular. Walmart, on the other hand, appears to have reversed course, experiencing a 19.4% decrease vs. last year. Lowe’s put a focus on growth this month, leading in percent change for each of these metrics, except for circular page count where it was number 2. Most of the remaining key retailers that increased circular page count saw a decrease in average ad blocks per page, or vice versa, leading to an overall trend of only very slight growth in each of these metrics year-over-year.

About ECRM’s Business Intelligence

ECRM’s Ad Comparisons technology captures promotional data from the top U.S. and Canadian retailers in all major markets. Ad Comparisons captures more than 40 metrics for each ad block and provides hundreds of analytic reports to put the advertising data in context. Ad Comparisons takes an individual approach to ensure all data and reports fit the needs of each user.

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