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EA and Claire’s join the CHARM GIRLS CLUB


LOS ANGELES, Calif. Electronic Arts announced a deal with Claire’s to cross-promote the gaming software company's upcoming series of video games for girls called "Charm Girls Club." Claire’s branding will be featured in Charm Girls Club My Fashion Mall, one of the four games in the EA series which will be released this October and on the Charm Girls Club Web site as part of the outreach to attract the game’s target consumer -- tween girls, ages eight to 12, many of whom shop Claire’s stores for fashion accessories, jewelry and cosmetics.

As part of the promotion, girls will be able to play the Charm Girls Club “Accessorize It” mini-game on the Claire’s Web site in the Fun & Games section. The mini-game will give visitors insight into gaming experiences they can expect from EA’s Charm Girls Club titles. Claire’s will also promote the Charm Girls Club games by featuring the brand on its global Web sites.

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