Crysalis System From TAC Improves Operating Efficiency for Large-Space Retailers
Dallas-based Crysalis is a comprehensive solution for efficiently managing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting for large-space retail chains from TAC, a world leader in building automation, security systems and energy services. Crysalis is a customizable system providing real-time Web-based access to increase control over store operations. With Crysalis, retailers can lower installation and operating costs, save energy and maintain a more comfortable environment within their stores.
TAC's Crysalis product line includes the Crysalis Enterprise Server and the CWEB, a Web-services gateway. Specifically designed for corporate-level monitoring and support, the Crysalis Enterprise Server (CES) is designed to handle the requirements of the largest of chain operations. It centrally monitors and supports multiple retail sites through an intuitive Web-based dashboard. Crysalis CWEB provides immediate access to a facility's control system and data exchange with any Web-enabled PC. No special telephone lines or software is necessary and no hosting costs are required.
The Crysalis family of products also includes the CRTU Rooftop Controller to provide precise control of the HVAC rooftop units (RTUs) and heat pumps typically used by retailers; the CVAV (Variable Air Volume) Controller, delivering a wide range of control strategies for pressure-independent terminal boxes; and the CS Sensors, for measuring room conditions and transmitting data to the controller. Using Crysalis CRTU controllers with CS sensors shortens technician service time, and the Crysalis CVAV controllers can reduce the number of costly rooftop units a large store needs.