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Coming soon to Sam's Club: 3D printers


Home Depot had it first, but now MakerBot is coming to an even wider mass-market arena as the 3D printer rolls out atmore than 300 Sam's Club locations in the United States.

“I truly believe that having the opportunity to learn about 3D printing first-hand is a big step towards a better understanding of the technology,” said Frank Alfano, acting CEO of MakerBot. “By expanding our retail presence into Sam’s Club, we’re providing opportunities to reach professionals, entrepreneurs and small business owners and show them the power of 3D printing. Offering MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D printers in retail stores exposes potential users to 3D printing technology and provides them an opportunity to understand the benefits of 3D printing today. We’ve made a conscious effort this past year to expand accessibility to MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers by working with key retailers like Sam’s Club.”

According to Alfano, bringing MakerBot printers into the mainstream offers a user-friendly way for the average consumer to leverage 3D printing technology and avail himself of the related software, apps, MakerBot Learning, lectures, classes and parts and support offered through the company's MakerCare program.

“We strive to provide our members with access to the latest technology, at a great value," said senior VP technology Dawn VonBechmann. "Offering the comprehensive MakerBot 3D Ecosystem is just one example of delivering on that commitment. Our members have shown interest in 3D printing, both from a professional and small business aspect. Any member with a natural interest in creating things will be excited to learn more about this amazing technology.”

Home Depot initially started selling the printers in its retail stores last summer, which it introduced in select markets like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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