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Coach provides mobile visibility with MicroStrategy platform


New York – Coach Inc. has leveraged the MicroStrategy Analytics Platform and MicroStrategy Mobile to produce automated reporting that provides anytime, anywhere visibility down to the store level. Coach has built an interactive mobile application using MicroStrategy Mobile that provides its retail teams with the ability to examine sales trends for any given geography, including at the individual store level, with a swipe or tap on their iPad devices.

The Coach team has leveraged the MicroStrategy Analytics Platform to consolidate a set of reports into one flexible, intuitive dashboard, enabling individual business units to track their sales performance and stay ahead of changing customer preferences. Coach is also using MicroStrategy to understand the effectiveness of its in-store events held across different locations and done at various times of the year

"MicroStrategy is generating the buzz across our business that we knew it would," said Danielle Schmelkin, VP of business intelligence and customer engagement solutions, Coach. "MicroStrategy's BI solution streamlines our reporting environment and offers our users intuitive system-of-record applications to analyze our business performance with a high degree of flexibility and governance. We're really excited about the possibilities that MicroStrategy is providing our global enterprise."

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