Skip to main content Launches Community Forum

1/10/2006 has launched a free reader service, the Community Forum. Readers may ask a confidential work-related question and receive confidential answers from other readers of For example, a reader may solicit advice on which system is best for price optimization. Or ask how other companies handle merchandise returns. Or seek a general contractor referral in a specific area of the country.

The goal of Community Forum is to foster an exchange of ideas and views among retail industry professionals, be they retailers, suppliers, academics, analysts, media or anyone else who values the retail industry. All are welcome to use this interactive resource to pose questions and answers, to share their knowledge and recommendations on careers, work-life issues, personal and professional services, networking, and personal introductions.

Submissions to the Community Forum are screened by Chain Store Age to maintain the overall quality and appropriateness of postings and to provide the best possible experience for all members.

Access the Community Forum at

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