Cache launches mobile app
New York -- Cache said Thursday it has launched a new mobile app shopping experience through its partnership with Usablenet, a mobile and multichannel platform company.
Through the mobile app, customers can now receive relevant content and promotions in a user friendly device. This introduction complements Cache's mobile web store and offers the full range of Cache designs.
In partnership with Xtify, the app delivers push notifications targeted by location, history, and user preference in order to deliver relevant information on new collections and promotions, while simultaneously driving traffic to the nearest location. A double bar- and QR-code scanner is designed to seamlessly connect customers with the warehouse information to locate designs in alternate colors, options, and sizes, and create an easy ordering process. A streamlined and secure checkout process paired with stored member registration information enables simple ecommerce transactions.
"We are excited to partner with Usablenet given its experience in retail and its strategic perspective on mobile," said Kevin Metz, VP of e-commerce at Cache. "We believe their platform supports a positive shopping experience via mobile app, and ensures that the app has a tactile and current feel. Usablenet aligns perfectly with our goals to make our constantly changing collections readily available on mobile and to drive sales by connecting with our customers through relevant push notifications and special deals."