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CA launches plastic-bag recycling program


SACRAMENTO, Calif. California grocers and chain drug stores have launched a statewide program to encourage recycling. Beginning July 1, grocers and chain drug stores statewide will provide opportunities for consumers to easily and conveniently return clean plastic carryout bags to the stores providing them.

As a result of a state law passed in 2006, grocery and other retailers are implementing at-store recycling programs for plastic carryout bags. Additionally, stores will provide reusable bags for sale to customers.

"While many grocery retailers were already providing this service to their consumers, the statewide program allows grocers and their customers to effectively partner in the effort to recycle and reduce the amount of material going into our landfills," said California Grocers Association president Peter Larkin.


The program enables consumers to return clean plastic carryout bags to stores for recycling. Collection bins will be available at participating retailers in accessible locations. Grocery and chain drug retailers are responsible for the collection and recycling of plastic carryout bags returned to their stores.

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