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Buyatab to implement eGift card program for Roots


Vancouver, BC -- Online eGift card services provider Buyatab Online said it has been contracted by Canadian lifestyle brand Roots to implement a customer eGift Card infrastructure and marketing program to accompany its traditional gift card program.

The rollout of the eGift card program will be accompanied by an international social media-based launch campaign. Roots customers can now purchase Roots gift cards electronically — in the form of eGift cards — from the Roots website and have them delivered instantly to recipients via email or text message.

“In the past, we’ve received many requests from customers for eGift card purchasing options and so we know the demand for digital gift cards is there,” said James Connell, VP eCommerce and Marketing of Roots, which has over 200 stores in four countries. “Enabling eGift card purchase and redemption on is a natural extension of our successful traditional plastic gift card program.”

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