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Big Lots grows goodwill in Ohio


Big Lots employees in Ohio will be going to work for their communities in 2015, but not in a retail store.

The company's associates in the West Columbus area will be planting and maintaining a 17-bed community garden and hope to harvest more than 2,000 pounds of fresh produce in 2015 for the LSS Westside Food Pantry through the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.

"Big Lots associates care about getting involved where they live and work," noted Trey Johnson, Big Lots SVP, general merchandise manager and Mid-Ohio Foodbank board member. "West Columbus is our home, and the community garden will make a difference for our neighbors in need."

The Big Lots Foundation focuses the Company's charitable giving on four areas of need: hunger, housing, health care, and education. These areas align with Company values and address needs of families and children in the communities and neighborhoods Big Lots serves.

In 2014, Big Lots donated 1.2 million pounds of food from its Columbus Distribution Center to Central Ohio food pantries through the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.

The company also donated more than 7 million pounds of food nationwide from its distribution centers through a partnership with Feeding America.

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Big Lots operates 1,461 stores in 48 states.

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