Best Buy gets geeky in Canada
Best Buy is strengthening its commitment to educating Canadian kids about technology with the launch of a Geek Squad Academy.
“We're thrilled to bring Geek Squad Academy to Canada as part of our community investment expansion into STEM," says Karen Arsenault , Community Relations Manager, Best Buy Canada. "Technology is an area of expertise that's coveted among Canadian employers, with about 70% of Canada's top jobs requiring tech-based skills. This number will undoubtedly grow and we are proud to help set up students for success by offering them the opportunity to explore careers in technology starting from a young age."
The announcement comes just a few days after the retailer re-opened all 65 Future Shop stores that it owned in Canada under the Best Buy banner. Another 66 Future Shop stores across Canada remain closed permanently.
The Geek Squad Academy, introduced as part of Best Buy Canada's community investment pillar, joins with local non-profit organizations and schools to teach youth aged 10-14 years about the latest technology in a fun, interactive environment. Now accepting submissions for its inaugural 2015 season, Geek Squad Academy is encouraging schools and non-profits alike to apply online at
Geek Squad Academy features classes that are conducted by local Geek Squad Agents from Best Buy stores, and lessons span a range of topics including Digital Citizenship, Robotics, 3D Printing, and Film Production.