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Belk selects Teradata warehouse solution


Charlotte, N.C. -- Analytic data solution-provider Terradata said Thursday that Belk has selected multiple Teradata Data Warehouse Appliances and the Teradata Retail Logical Data Model to build a new integrated database-driven analytics environment.

Teradata professional services consultants are also working with Belk's business and data experts to develop a roadmap to provide additional business value. The new Teradata-based analytic environment will enable increased data visibility and accelerated speed for complex queries, according to the companies.

"We were ready for a new data warehousing system to meet our requirements for a scalable, enterprise-class analytic environment capable of handling more numerous and more complex queries to explore and utilize growing volumes of valuable data," said Mike Laurenti, executive VP and CIO, Belk.

The database infrastructure deployment will include consolidating data from existing data marts into an integrated data warehouse – plus a test and development platform.

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