Batteries Plus Bulbs teams with Ingenico on EMV
Batteries Plus Bulbs is upgrading its payment terminals and software to prepare for the EMV liability shift at its 650 U.S. locations.
The retailer says it has chosen the Ingenico Group's solution, which enables Batteries Plus Bulbs stores to securely accept magstripe debit and credit payment cards, and positions the stores to accept virtually any form of payment including EMV chip & sign, EMV chip & pin, contactless/NFC and other types of mobile wallets in the future.
“Batteries Plus Bulbs doesn’t view this as just a payments project, but rather a chance to position its stores for the future," saidGregory Boardman, Senior Vice President of Product and Development for Ingenico Group. "It’s always a pleasure for us to work with such a forward-thinking customer.”
“Our POS vendor recommended Ingenico Group highly as the vendor with the most experience in EMV,” said Michael Lehman, Chief Information Officer at Batteries Plus Bulbs. “Once we met the Ingenico Group team, we were impressed not only by their knowledge but also their willingness to work closely with us to customize a solution for our needs. We have been extremely pleased with the results.”
Batteries Plus Bulbs has over 650 locations in 47 states and Puerto Rico.