A “Mom’s Kitchen” theme proved apt inspiration for Nabisco’s in-store shop in Buehler’s Fresh Foods. Developed to drive traffic in the cookie-and-cracker aisle, the design seeks to re-connect consumers with the Nabisco brand on an emotional level and remind them of the nostalgic value of its heritage. The evocative use of pictorial scrapbooks and chalkboards with mom’s “kitchen-table wisdoms,” illuminated cookie-cutter-style aluminum lettering and the use of baskets, tins and other authentic materials are a few of the special touches that help set the mood.
In-Store ShopNabisco Biscuit (Buehler’s Fresh Foods) Ashland, OhioDesign: Shook Kelley, Los Angeles
The renovated intimate-apparel department in Bloomingdale’s New York City flagship is a study in modern glamour, with creamy marble and signature black accents, and boudoir-style furnishings. Swaths of drapery help segment the various designer collections. The lighting design uses metal halide and halogen lamps that work in tandem with the circulation and ceiling definition, making the floor “pop.” The heart of the 19,000-sq.-ft. department is the fitting-room area, whose indulgent design was inspired by the work of the French cabinetmaker, Andre Arbus.
In-Store Shop Honorable MentionIntimate Apparel, Bloomingdale’s New York CityDesign: Mancini Duffy, New York City, in cooperation with Bloomingdale’s in-house design team