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Are we there yet?

Mobile is hot, new and sexy, which explains why anything connected to it from a marketing standpoint generates considerable buzz. In reality, there remains a considerable opportunity gap between the intriguing potential afforded by Internet-ready smart phones and the as-of-yet limited usage the technology is capable of offering.

For example, during the fourth quarter of 2009, the digital measurement firm comScore reported that 234 million people aged 13 years and older used a mobile device. Of those, 63% percent engaged in texting, while 27.5% said they used their devices’ browser. Roughly, 22% said they played games, 18% used downloaded apps and 16% accessed a social media site or blog. Those are big numbers from a year ago, and, directionally speaking, they offer an indication of where society is headed. For now though the reality of mobile usage has some catching up to do with the promise.

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