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Arby’s sees big savings in energy reduction


Arby’s Restaurant Group has exceeded its own goal for energy reduction, and also cut its water consumption, for a combined energy-related savings of $20.4 million from 2011-2015.

The company announced that as of Dec. 31, 2015, it reached 15.2% total energy reduction per company-owned restaurant from a 2011 baseline, exceeding the “15 Percent By 2015” energy savings goal the company set for itself in 2012.

In addition, Arby’s achieved an 8.6% reduction in water consumption per company-owned restaurant from 2011-2015.

“At Arby’s, we are committed to employing efficiency measures that save both energy and costs,” said Paul Brown, CEO, Arby’s Restaurant Group. “By exceeding our energy savings target, we’ve shown that there are considerable energy and water savings opportunities in the restaurant industry and we will continue to find new ways to further reduce energy and water use in our restaurants.”

Average energy consumption is measured by combining Arby‘s electric and natural gas usage into thousands of British Thermal Units (kBtus), a standard measure of energy. The energy consumption savings realized by ARG from 2011-2015 includes a 21% reduction in electricity use per company-owned restaurant and a 2.5% drop in natural gas consumption.

The efforts driving these savings are part of the Arby’s “Efficiency Matters” program, launched 2012 to improve efficiencies in restaurants and reduce energy consumption and associated environmental and community impacts. The program began with behavioral shifts, optimized on and off schedules and the implementation of an energy management system, and has evolved into long term investment projects such as the replacement of HVAC units to more energy-efficient models.

Vital to Arby’s energy efficiency efforts are strategic partnerships across the sustainable energy and water landscapes, including Ecova, Powerhouse Dynamics, Regency Lighting and Weathermatic, among others.

Arby’s also joined the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge in 2015 in an effort to further showcase good stewardship in energy efficiency and extend the company’s savings goal. In joining the challenge, Arby’s committed to making the entire company-owned portfolio of restaurants (3.1 million square feet) 20% more efficient by 2020.

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