And now this programming note
Plenty of televisions in Northwest Arkansas will be tuned to CNBC the evening of April 26. That’s when the financial news network airs a one-hour special called, “The Costco Craze: Inside the Warehouse Giant.”
CNBC has turned its cameras on Walmart in the past, twice actually, and more recently Best Buy and Target. Previews for the show on Costco promise to uncover the science and secrets behind the Costco craze.
“Costco is famous for turning the experience of warehouse shopping into an adventure,” according to CNBC’s promotional materials. “Costco, one of the nation’s top three retailers and the world’s largest membership warehouse chain, has thrived by turning convention on its head. The company never advertises, charges its 64 million members to shop there and doesn’t mark up any product more than 15%. It’s a business model that works, generating $93 billion in annual sales.”