A.C. Moore selects Epicor Retail CRM to enhance customer loyalty
Dublin, Calif. -- Epicor Software Corp. said Wednesday that A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts has selected and implemented the company’s Retail Customer Relationship Management solution to strengthen customer relations and support future loyalty/reward initiatives.
A.C. Moore wanted to better understand its customers and strengthen engagement through a richer customer experience. To do this, A.C. Moore needed to bring data together from disparate systems as well as bring analysis of that data in-house. To meet these goals, company executives selected Epicor Retail CRM to unify customer data, enhance point of sale functionality, and establish a foundation to support their vision for more robust customer engagement. The company is also leveraging Epicor Retail CRM web extensions to integrate its CRM platform with its e-commerce channel.
“We knew that for A.C. Moore to be successful we needed a partner that could help us break down the various silos of data and give us one view of our customers from all channels, which would then provide A.C. Moore a more intuitive ability to be in sync with its most important commodity – our customers,” said Kathy Bailey, EVP IT operations for A.C. Moore.
The Epicor Retail CRM solution and related functionality was deployed in approximately 100 days. Prior to Epicor, A.C. Moore leveraged store systems from multiple vendors across multiple databases, which lacked the efficiency, convenience and streamlined experience they desired for employees and customers alike. Leveraging the Epicor Retail CRM solution, A.C. Moore now has a 360-degree view of its customers, arming the retailer with a broad set of complementary tools to build and manage loyalty programs, execute and manage campaigns and promotions, analyze customer data and transaction information across sales channels, segment and manage lists, and analyze and measure the impact of CRM efforts.