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Mall owner wins PETA award for helping save kids and pets from hot cars

Al Urbanski
Hot car warning
This summer, Cafaro put up a sign and took a stand against hot car deaths at its malls.

It’s a simple but tragic mistake that some people make during the warm-weather months. As they hurry off to an appointment or stop in a store, they forget that a pet or a child is still inside their parked automobile.

Cafaro, the Ohio-based owner of more than 50 malls in 14 states, instituted a program at its properties this summer to help put an end to these sad occurrences with signs simply reading, “Please do not leave your children or pets in the car.” The effort won the company a Compassionate Business Award from the People for Ethical Treatment of animals.

“An unexpected delay can turn a quick errand into a tragedy for a dog or child left behind,” said PETA executive VP Tracy Reiman. “By answering PETA’s call for warning signs, Cafaro is helping to prevent vulnerable family members from enduring terrible heatstroke deaths.”

Founded by the late William M. Cafaro in the 1940's, Cafaro Company is now in its third generation as a family-owned and managed business.

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