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The top five retailers with most online transactions on Thanksgiving, Black Friday were....

The top 50 retailers in the United States processed an estimated 39.8 million transactions online over the holiday weekend spanning Thursday, November 23 through Sunday, November 26, according to Hitwise.

The top two days were Black Friday, followed closely by Thanksgiving, when those same retailers processed 13.0 and 12.5 million online transactions, respectively. As a benchmark, the top 50 retailers processed 5.0 million and 4.7 million transactions online on the 16th and 17th of November, respectively, one week before Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

Amazon handily won the both peak days processing 5.6 million transactions on Thanksgiving Day, and another 7.1 million on Black Friday. Walmart, which came in second both days, processed 1.7 million transactions on Thanksgiving and 1.1 million on Black Friday. Best Buy, Target and Kohl’s rounded out the top five on both Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

"While the majority of the top retailers processed more transactions online on Black Friday, some retailers actually did better on Thanksgiving Day," said John Fetto, senior analyst, research and marketing, Hitwise. "For instance, and both processed more than twice as many transactions on Thanksgiving Day than it did on Black Friday. Big box retailers, including Walmart, Best Buy, Target, Staples, Costco and more, also processed more transactions on Thanksgiving Day than on Black Friday, indicating that shoppers moved to transact online as most retailers were closed part of all of the day on Thanksgiving."

In terms of conversion rate (the share of visitors to a site that ultimately made a purchase), did the best on Black Friday with 9.1% of visitors making a purchase. saw the biggest difference in conversion rate between Thanksgiving and Black Friday (2.9% versus 1.6%).

Other retailers with considerably higher conversion rates on Thanksgiving than Black Friday include,, GameStop and On Black Friday, saw their conversion rate more than double from 0.7% on Thanksgiving to 1.7%.,, and also saw much better conversion rates on Black Friday than Thanksgiving.

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