5Qs for Allison Greenfield on the remaking of Michigan’s largest mall
Will the lake in Lakeside play a bigger role in the new development?
We’re planning to loop seven acres of park around the lake and create a greenbelt around our ring road. We’re still working with a baseline plan, but multifamily, office, and retail will be woven in. This will be a 10-to-12-year buildout. Over that time period, the needs of the market change, and we believe we’ll have zoning that will allow for some flexibility.
When do you plan to break ground?
We think we’ll be able to get going in 12 to 18 months. We’ll be raising all the horizontal in one fell swoop — streetscapes and utilities in a 24-month build. We’ll also have the central park, which was the center of the mall, and retail and entertainment.
What’s been the reaction of the community?
When we closed the mall, people came from all over town to say goodbye to it. It was the center of a town that had no true center. So we said, “Let’ be proactive in creating one.”