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Department store takes a lesson from Pokemon GO! craze


Inspired by Pokemon Go!, Bloomingdale’s found a way to run with the idea of scavenger hunts.

The department store retailer ran an in-store scavenger hunt based on Snapchat and geofilters, according to an article in Luxury Daily.

Launched over Labor Day weekend in New York City, the gamification-based program enabled Snapchat users to celebrate the fall launch of Bloomingdale’s “100 Percent” campaign, which bolsters the exclusivity factor for the department store, and merchandise only available at its chain, the report said. Bloomingdales shoppers walked around the store, mobile devices in-hand, to discover geofilters located at specific areas of the department store. Users then shared their content with the filter through a direct message to the department chain’s account. Winners were notified through a direct message in Snapchat, the article said.

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